Today is The Day


Today is the day that I am feeling an immense amount of peace, contentment, and liberation.


Today is the day that my past has been shed and I give the wind permission to carry it away.


Today is the day that I see clearly all the lessons that led me to this moment.


Today is the day that I am forever grateful for both the adversities and opportunities.


Today is the day that I owe no one an explanation. Not a soul.


Today is the day that I want to shout from the rooftops and tell everyone anyways.


Today is the day that all my hard work shows how beautiful I am and always have been.


Today is the day I want to do kart wheels in front of those who tried to stop me.


Today is the day that I understand the difference between karma and dharma.


Today is the day that I once again retire from an industry that paid my bills but could never pay my heart what it deserves.


Today is the day, at 44 years of age, I am liberated from that which once held me down.


Today is The Day. #Liberation44


“The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can’t be any large-scale revolution until there’s a personal revolution, on an individual level. It’s got to happen inside first.”